Friday, January 08, 2010

Change of Life

No, not THAT change of life...although my mother does keep giving me things that say "you're still hot it just comes in flashes now" hmmm...this change of life involves location.

My husband and I have been empty-nesters for four-ish years. We've had the occasional guest for a time, but our daughters moved out. They have both lived within 5 miles of us, so it wasn't horrible. If I needed a fix, they were close by. :-)

Until tomorrow.

Tomorrow begins a new chapter in our life. Our older daughter is moving to Euless, TX. I know it's not very far away and I'm really excited for her. It also give me a great reason to go to IKEA...I mean Texas... to visit.

But it will be different and I will cry. I always cry. I try really hard not too, but the leak is inevitable. Hopefully, I can do it while she's not looking (but I am afraid the 20 pound eyelids may give me away).

All of life has been an adventure, so here's to our newest one. I have a feeling I'll be seeing the Red River a lot more often.


1 comment:

Matt said...

Let me know if you ever need an IKEA buddy... and I am sure that your daughter is a wonderful example of your own compassion.